
Has Haqiqatjou been colonized? Analyzing's endorsement of evolutionary psychology

       The Muslim Skeptic is the name given to a neo-Salafi online space run and managed by one Daniel Haqiqatjou, who has become well-known in internet dawah circles for being one of the most outspoken and controversial of the major Islamic apologists. Unlike his more moderate (or perhaps sheepish) peers, Haqiqatjou has willingly gone on the offensive against a wide variety of taboo topics, such as technology, western colonization, conspiracies, and the Coofid narrative - and this unique level of intestinal fortitude has led to an explosion of popularity and online presence --- his Youtube channel (also called "The Muslim Skeptic") has nearly 400,000 subscribers as of February 2024, having almost doubled in a little over a year. A good deal of this growth has paralleled the general finding of many social surveys that the Islamic world is de-secularizing rapidly, especially among the youth (a finding which has been gleefully covered many times on the Muslim Skeptic website

Female sexuality: a major theological problem for Christianity (originally published 8/21/22)

     I've decided to post this on the blog that nobody reads, rather than risk putting it on Youtube where some zoomer/groyper/1488 might issue a fatwa against me for going against his precious gnostic holy "basedness". Yes, I know that's cowardly, but I want a space to ramble privately about this before I go public and alienate my 30 or so subscribers on my dying little Youtube channel.      Since 2019, I have been on the quest for ultimate truth that many millennials and Gen Zs young men of the Jordan Peterson crowd have also been embarking on, and I've looked far and wide for an antidote to the obvious lies, fraud and social manipulation that I see coming from our secular, globalist elites and the dishonest and destructive worldview they promote. I've come to realize that not only is the current state of society a maladaptive hellscape rather than some Fukuyaman paradise where things are only going to get better as liberal democracy and a border-free world

Scientism and liberal feminism are sex-negative, anti-woman puritan cults (originally published on 1/28/22)

      How could this be? "Traditional Culture Preservation Society" is clearly a troll, an incel, or perhaps most damaging of all, a RuSsIaN bOt!!!!! Everybody knows that in Whig Historyland, we began a slow march from the evil, terror, backwardness, misogyny and homophobia of the medieval past and into a glorious, and much superior world. This is the consistent message of all the great thought leaders of all time, our Stephen Pinkers, our Jordan Petersons, and Neil Degrasse Tysons. They may have their personal quabbles and disagreements over politics, but in the end, they have one major area of consensus: now is the best time to be alive in human history, and we will continue to march forward into a glorious future as soon as all distinctions, borders and culture is destroyed and the Tower of Babel erected in its place. And nothing is more of a clear sign of the superiority of the present over the past (except perhaps our "science juice" and our wonderful "pla