
A devil's advocate rejoinder to the theory of indigenous matriarchy

     In my previous article, I discussed the book Matriarchal Societies by Heide Gottner-Abendroth and my generally positive (with a few qualifications) appraisal of this work. In the spirit of fairness, however, and given the highly speculative nature of any theory which back-projects onto a prehistoric past, I feel it is best to present the best "steel man" critique I can muster to the hypothesis of human's prehistoric matriarchal nature. This does not mean that I am personally "sold" on matriarchal prehistory being false, and in fact I think the Gottner-Abendroth version of this theory (as opposed to some older, highly essentialist versions of it) may well turn out to be accurate. I certainly believe it is a good deal more plausible than the standard evo-psych narrative of prehistoric, universal patriarchy in which men's paternity anxiety and 'natural' competitiveness ends up somehow creating stereotypical gender-linked behaviors (such as higher m

Were the matriarchalists right all along? A review of Heide Gottner-Abendroth's "Matriarchal Societies"

     In 2012, German author Heide Gottner-Abendroth quietly and with little fanfare reached a personal landmark. After decades of writing and deep analysis of historical and anthropological resources, all of which had failed peer review by the conventional, self-appointed Academic Expert Community, she finally managed to inch her magnum opus, a hefty tome titled Matriarchal Societies, though the agonizing peer-review process, and into mainstream publication. This was a tremendous shock at the time, given the long-standing academic bigotry against anything to with the concept of matriarchy, and even more shocking given that the general consensus in 2012-era academia was that matriarchal theory was dead, 1980s-1990s era sociobiology had irrevocably won the debate, and only a few crazy boomer New Age grandmas still paid attention to "all that Marija Gimbutas crap from the 70s".     Fast forward to 2024, and a quiet revolution is in the process. Last year saw the highest amount o

The maladaptive western phenomenon of downplaying female pleasure

     Some years back I was introduced to a "book" (I use that term only because the pages were too rough to serve as effective toilet paper) called The Case of the Female Orgasm: Bias in the Science of Evolution written by an alleged "feminist", "biologist" and "philosopher" (again, the terms are used very loosely here) named Elizabeth Lloyd in 2005. The central thesis of this "book" is that scientists for the past century (or longer) have given undue weight to the phenomenon of female sexual pleasure and orgasm in particular, enshrining its importance both biologically and culturally, when in fact it deserves neither. To Lloyd, only a crazy, right-wing, anti-feminist misogynist would regard the female orgasm as having any purpose whatsoever, whether evolutionarily adaptive or spiritually liberating. The fact that scientists have proposed various adaptive functions for the female orgasm (from assisting sperm transport to facilitating sl

Has Haqiqatjou been colonized? Analyzing's endorsement of evolutionary psychology

       The Muslim Skeptic is the name given to a neo-Salafi online space run and managed by one Daniel Haqiqatjou, who has become well-known in internet dawah circles for being one of the most outspoken and controversial of the major Islamic apologists. Unlike his more moderate (or perhaps sheepish) peers, Haqiqatjou has willingly gone on the offensive against a wide variety of taboo topics, such as technology, western colonization, conspiracies, and the Coofid narrative - and this unique level of intestinal fortitude has led to an explosion of popularity and online presence --- his Youtube channel (also called "The Muslim Skeptic") has nearly 400,000 subscribers as of February 2024, having almost doubled in a little over a year. A good deal of this growth has paralleled the general finding of many social surveys that the Islamic world is de-secularizing rapidly, especially among the youth (a finding which has been gleefully covered many times on the Muslim Skeptic website